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Tuesday 10 February 2009 @10:35

SOUTHEAST ASIA - wayang kulit

DALANG (The Puppet Master or The Story Teller)
After deciding the title of wayang story, a dalang (puppet master), a dalang to perform the show must be appointed. Dalang position is very important, as he is the leader of the performance. Sometimes dalang could be chosen first, afterwards a consultation with him could be held to choose an appropriate title.
Dalang comes from the words juru udalan (juru : an expert, a skillful man - udalan abbreviated to dalan, then becomes dalang means to tell stories), so dalang is a story teller.
Dalang is an overall artist. He must have a broad knowledge of several disciplines of arts, such as :

Mastering deeply the stories of wayang Ramayana as well as Mahabharata, knows the characters of wayang figures.

Having a thorough knowledge of Javanese philosophy and moral ethics, as Javanese philosophy and moral ethics are inter-connected, or might be almost similar.

Having an accurate information in many aspects of life in the country (or even internationally in this era of information and globalization).

Having a good and clear voice, as he has to imitate about 50 (fifty) wayang figures with different voices. He has to explain every occasion, which has or should happened. And he has also to perfectly master the language 'high' and 'ordinary' used in dialogue, song and narration. He has to be a good singer, as he has to sing a lot during a performance.

Having the ability of preparing the scenario, so that plot of stories should flow smoothly, in accordance with standard patterns.

He has to know gamelan (Javanese musical instruments) used to accompany the show. He has also the capacity of a conductor as he should command the gamelan music; when it should begin and stop, and he should ask the gamelan crew what kind of music or song to be played.

He has to lead the chorus of pesinden (women singers), usually consists of three to five singers and wira swara (male singers).

He has to be skillful to move the puppets attractively.

He has to know how to make good jokes, at the sametime advising the audience unnoticeably.

This part of play occurred at midnight at the Goro-goro episode, which last about one hour. During that time the Ponokawan appears. At most occasion the dalang plays a role as mouthpiece of the sponsors. In a performance organized by Agency of Family Planning, he should arise the topics of Family Planning. In front of the arm forces or police forces, he should speak of leadership and discipline. Before an audience in university he should speak of knowledge, good conduct and the goals of life.

In the village, he should speak about the spirit of cooperation, development and any topics, which should give optimism to the villagers. The topics might be different, but here are similarities; he should tell it jokingly, interrupted by many songs, sung by the pesinden - women singers, accompanied by gamelan music. He should insert some advises on morality, hard working and every deed must be conducted properly not hurting other's feeling, not breaking the laws, especially the highest law such as the law of God.

Generally the Goro-goro time is full of laughters and musics, which make the audience happy and entertained.

Last but not least a dalang must be a healthy man or woman (nowadays, there are some women dalang), with a good physical endurance because dalang has to sit cross legged for eight hours on a mat to perform wayang.

The audience, from the very young to the very old, including one white man, was held spell bound by the skills of the dalang and the stories he told. Little children, cradled in their parent's arms, stared wide-eyed at the screen, transfixed by its magic.



nyp Sidm
nov 26


Han Hui. Jodie. Kenneth. Rachael. Chi Yao. Rina. Xin Qiang. Firdaus. Natasha Mohd. Natasha Lim. Amirah. Yao Cheng. link. link. link. link. link. link. link. link. link. link. link.



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