Monday, 29 October 2007 @01:14
Underlying Philosophies of other logos
BMW Logo

The design represents strength, durability and elegance of the product manufactured by company that produced aircrafts during World War 1.
Being a Bavarian company, in their logo design BMW choose to use the color of blue, which not only represents sky but is also the traditional color of Bavaria. Stylish use of the white color represents the blades of the aircraft engine. Both colors used alternately showing the airplane propeller spinning through the sky.
The BMW logo design represents strength, durability and style.
Microsoft Logo

It now features the slogan: “Your potential. Our passion”, which echoes a strong voice of consumer satisfaction and the brand’s fidelity.
Microsoft logo is a perfect example of ‘innovation meets simplicity’. The logo intelligently expresses the company’s mission of providing quality products to the customers with its strong slogan and simple typeface.

The logo consists of a simple typeface with an equally powerful slogan symbolizing potential and passion. Though the Microsoft logo was subjected to major critical transformations over the decades, its principal message has remained largely unaffected.It was later discarded as the company’s trademark in 1994, when Microsoft adopted the more compact version of the current logo with the tagline: “Where do you want to go today?”.
UPS Logo

During its 97 years history, UPS has used four UPS logos as its corporate identity. But during each redesign, the changes were gradual in the UPS logo.

The first UPS “shield” logo was created in 1916 when its founder Jim Casey merged the company with a local rival delivery service. That UPS logo featured a shield and an eagle carrying a package with the words “SAFE, SWIFT, SURE” inscribed on the side. The famous shield used in the first UPS logo continues to be used even today and UPS employees often refer to the UPS logo as ‘the shield’.

The second UPS logo was introduced around 1937 and displayed “UPS” for United Parcel Service on it. By that time, the company had grown enormously and was also providing delivery of merchandise for multiple retail department stores. Thus the phrase, “THE DELIVERY SYSTEM FOR STORES OF QUALITY”, was later incorporated in the UPS logo to signify the growth of the company.
Renowned brand designer, Paul Rand, designed the third and more simplified version of the UPS logo in 1961. The newly renovated UPS logo featured ‘a bow-tied package above the familiar shield to express the mission of the company’: of offering package delivery as its sole service.
Reason for updating their logo design?
‘As part of the rebranding, UPS adopted its fourth UPS logo, marking the first change in the UPS logo in 42 years’. On March 25, 2003, UPS with the help of FutureBrand, unveiled its new corporate identity with a new UPS logo.
The most significant change, in the new UPS logo, was the removal of the bow-tied package above the UPS shield. Ironically “the bow”, which had become one of the most recognized features of the UPS logo, has been subjected to refusal by UPS over decades as the string refrain UPS’s abilities to represent itself in various supply chain services. Contradicting, the string in the bow-tied package can get caught in UPS’s high-speed sorting machinery. The new UPS logo symbolizes UPS’s expansion from package delivery into a broader array of supply chain services.
But one thing in the UPS logo that has remained constant is its logo color and that is brown.

The NASA logo is a powerful reflection of the agency’s history and tradition. It is used in NASA’s space and aeronautics programs and day-to-day communications materials with clear guidelines. The NASA logo visualizes elements of space exploration and aeronautics, focusing on the agency’s technological pursuits.
The story behind NASA logo

The first NASA logo can be traced back to 1959, the NASA Lewis Research Center’s design was chosen as the final selection, which featured the Sun, the moon, the white stars, the orbital path and the red chevron with “National Aeronautics and Space Administration” encircling the image.
2nd Redesign of logo is due need for less formal usage.

edited logo - cut down just leaving the stars and orbital path on a blue background with the red chevron passing through the letters N-A-S-A. This revised version of the NASA logo represented many aspects of the space and its relative nature to the agency.

Introduced in 1975, the modern NASA logo was a stylish and squiggly rendering of the letters N-A-S-A in red color. It was called the “worm” logo. It was designed to meet the growing demands of NASA’s technological accomplishments in the fields of space and aeronautics.
Labels: DM3121 ADCON
Saturday, 27 October 2007 @08:54
REBRANDING ADIDAS- new identity based on research
- rough initials logo designs
- underlying philosophy
- rough idea of use - where & how
Semantic network mindmap of adidas


Initial Logo Designs

Labels: DM3121 ADCON
Sunday, 21 October 2007 @08:40
NEWSPAPER ANALYSIS wk2 Your voice needs to be heard...17 oct o7', Wed.
Topic: Beauty is only on the outer surface! Perfecting your weight (ideal figure) will transformed your life.1. You deserve to be perfect and the world cares about outward beauty.
2. There is no such thing as changing only the inner beauty, without a drastic change in outward appearance.
3. Diamonds are not only women best friend but men too, since it can secure a person.
News reports:
-Beauty products could be deadly.
Lead-free? An american report says that lipsticks from brands like Christian Dior and L'Oreal have been found to contain lead.Should consumers be worried.
-Sex can still be good in the golden years.
- Getting fit is not losing weight or slimming but adding calcium to your diet.
18 oct 07', Thurs.
Topic: More on beauty tips and enhancements.1.We must refrain from ageing but restoring our assets.
" Slimming shrunk your bust? We'll restore it naturally."
News reports:
- China is the main focus for locals to survive. Showcase our art and culture in China, its the lastest art scene.
" If you don't live up to their standards, you will be brushed aside, because there's so much art here."
- Nudity scenes started to be immune to people and even become a higher level of appreciation for acting.
" Sex scenes a 'breakthrough'."
19 oct 07', Fri.
News reports:
- Night-life have been increasingly popular for lucrative business.
" More drinks, more buzz after 3am", " Some nightspots are opening till dawn to woo a different crowd-people who work late shifts.", " Today, if you leave at 2am, you are an early bird."
- Being a victim of racial discrimination makes a person stronger.
"At school, she never got invited to parties.But R&B sensation Amerie, who performs her tonight, is having the last laugh".
20 oct 07', Sat.
1. Shopping for 'Unique' in Singapore?
-Courts offers you something different.Not just great deals, products and exclusive services.
-But it's Courts' extensive range of services and concepts ranging from warranty to I.T Solutions that really sets it apart.
2. Master Your Way To Success
-University of La Rochelle, Distinguised and Internationally Recognised. Double Major degree. Very Affordable. Easy Payment Plan.
-Fast forward your career with this unique Double Major Degree.
News Reports:
- Homosexuals are born this way?!
"Anti-repeal camp enters'gay sex law'fray", "Fallacy to talk of 'gay' discrimination", "Not the right time to review section 377A"
Discriminalising homosexual acts is a first step to further petitions for gay marriages and parenthood.
It is rare that singaporeans remember laws by their actual chapter and verse, but section 377A looks set to change that. The section that is part of the Penal Code which deems sex between men a crime.
- Challenge For Junta
ARMY IN DISARRAY "Today is an army of conscripts and structurally disarray. Rations are not sufficient. The crackdown n monks would have shaken the psyche of many junior officers"
20 oct 07', Sun.
News report:
-HK's planned 'mega links' with mainland
10 mega projects announced will bring territory's economy closer to china.
-Challenge For Opposition
Funding problems, Activist fatigue and economic realities make the going tough for exiled pressure groups.
KEEPING UP THE PRESSURE "The whole issue can very easily fal off the map again. We need to keep the international pressure on the military"
MR SOE AUNG of the National Council at the Union of Burma, an umbrella body for 35 pro-democracy groups.
There is quite a vast differnece seen from the weekdays paper compared to weekends both on topic wise and layout with priority. One factor seen is the increase amount of space given to the advertising sector in the weekends' papers, advertisements are given much more layout space in the LIFE and CLASSIFIED sections, others such as the forum, sports and entertainment have also had gradual increase. The reason behind this strategy is probably to cater to the amount of audience that have more time during the weekends to relax and read about news.
Usually more advertisers will pounce on this opportunity to increase and expand their budget for the advertising layout space, probably bigger companies that tend to place advertising as their top priority. One such company would be 'Courts', as seen by this weekends' advertising campaign 'the uniquely courts sale' that took up almost 5 and a 1/2 pages long unlike the freguent 2 pages on weekdays. This is a huge difference as compared to the weekdays' with more news reports than advertisements. Also, there is an extra charge of 10cents for weekends' paper though this may not really affect those who order for paper delivery. The extra charge is countered with the increase in more pages of some sections like CLASSIFIED and other special reports.
Your voice needs to be heard...
go thru the newspapers..and analyse for wed-fri, and weekends.
List down the different spins you think you identified.
definition of spin- what the news industry may be trying to put (implant) into your mind, may not be the truth.
is there a difference in how the newspaper handle weekdays' papers versus weekends' papers?
Descibe how they are different.
Labels: DM3122 SONARC
Wednesday, 17 October 2007 @09:28
Brief Summary of Modules For Semester IITypography
The Art of Letter Arrangment
Aim :
To train students in the use of typography as an effective design element.
For continual usage in the future, if you remain in the industry.
Objectives :
_ Understand the anatomy of types, e.g origin,history backgrd,etc.
_ Identify and choose the paper typefaces.
_ Explain the principles governing good typography.
_ Apply good presentation for an on screen presentation
- Readability, size
- Comparison on backgrd
How we deal with line spacing, composition & color.
- could it be seen or read? Legibility
- could it express the right feeling across? Appriopriateness.
GRID (system)
- beyond just print & the roots of it.
It attracts attention, uses the style and tone of a document, colors how readers interpret the words, and defines the feeling of the page and screen...
design process.
Labels: DM3123 TYMG
Brief Summary of Modules For Semester IIAdvertising ConceptADCON DM3121
'Every theory of art contains the seed of it's own destruction'
Steven Pinker
The study of SOPHISTRY - Things that may not be true but is useful; ability to convince something that isn't true.
'Advertising is the greatest art form of the 20th century'
Marshall McLuhan
the food chain...
Company Directors e.g, football captains
Sales & Marketing
Ad Agency
Production House
Product OR Service
Consumers' Money
Labels: DM3121 ADCON
Monday, 15 October 2007 @23:55
Car Commercial Analysis wk1
I. perspective after analyzing through various commercialsWhat i understand from car commercials seen so far, is the close relation and linkage between human superiority with issues such as sexuality to deal with success. Most of commercials seen have shown this point and to further elaborate on a deeper issue with self-esteem and the idolatry of self. The five car commercials i have gone through all have that common relation to desiring that emotion with the ad,to seek for the best and lastest in technology and showing it off. Most manufacturing companies have understood the trick to making masses reach for their inner human instincts and playing on their emotions to prove their standard in life. Now, manufacturers have also followed the footsteps of Edward Bernays,"manipulating and controlling the masses with sub-concious desires",moving from the phase of need to desire. However, the commercials have different ways of packaging their brand with emotions.
Nissan commercialSpin: Having this car would boost your status and superiority.
In the start, there is a slight underline meaning of linking the sub-conscious desire of money and sex due to the small elements used. This ad is smartly approached by grabbing the interest of the audience, causing them to finish watching till the end. Also, it has managed to pay-off with an unexpected ending. There is a tinge of push factor for masculinity with money and sex. commercialSpin: Make your life meaningful, with the best of everything you deserve!
Everything shown in the ad is like a glimpse of the future and also emphasize on technology advancement. It portrays a clean and sleek look in life and that suspense that carries to the end of the ad. It is showing the kind of life that human will desire when entering the phase of their life with success and great opportunities. The eagerness to try something that will be adventurous and making it an 'in' thing. commercial
SPIN: You will be at the top of the line with the best in quality with this car.
This ad has successfully tried to show the superiority that human should have over other creatures, being the tougher and more masculine being. It has been able to understand the issue that men hope to maintain their status in life, to be the highest rank in the food chain. To simplify it, men would fear to lose their identity especially their gender and feel more security with the need to purchase or consume the product. CommercialSPIN: We all want to have a smooth journey in life, with this car, we are one step closer.
There is a gradual change of timeline seen, the smoothness and comfortability of the car can be compared to the journey that one would expect. This ad shows what humans want to have, which is an enjoyable and luxurious life. Something that human expect and desire to have and would work towards as a goal. It makes us feel a sense of calmness and security while moving on to life. CommercialSpin: 'Dare to dream DREAMS' with this car. Life is short.
This ad is more of reaching an edge in time with the use of artistic form and showing the reality but with vision and dreams.Something that may inspire human with dreams, could be what is the driving force behind that commercial, to have a better standard of living, quality of life. In a single paragraph, write down 'What you think of consumerism towards the automobile is like in Singapore?'Moving into the 20th century, Singapore has gradually become more influenced with meeting the locals' desires. The desire and want for the comfort and luxury has reached its peak, due to the full packaging of the consumerism products. The close study of demographics could probably be the turning point causing them to stealthily shift their target audience more towards stable families that has steadily increased through the years, thus, lesser on successful employee individuals.There seems to be the notion for a drastic change in lifestyle on how people percieve their life, snowballing into montrosity. For instance, some car models that have successfully carried on the idea would be BMW M3 Sedan, Mitsubishi Lancer, Chrysler Minivan Champ, Honda, Toyota,etc. It may not be a total bad thing though. I guess the we shouldn't let the technology get the better of us!
Labels: DM3122 SONARC