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Tuesday 31 July 2007 @08:14

Heya ...

I know its been such a long time since i hav updated tis prof blog....if its even professional...lolx!(well, at least i try not to put too much personal stuff here, only works of ppl who inspire me n of course work i've done!). Been reaaally busy lately with assignments and series of tests piling up...so horrifying i thought there wouldn't be tests ,GOSH! (not like i'm sounding like a panic queen[gan chiong pro!] Not ok...). Well, i will try to update my work asap so ppl pls be patient if u wanna see refined workz. Something i saw on the web, its entitled 'gummy FIGHT!' The title's kinda suitable right! I'll love some comments.

^^ CHEERS!!!

Tuesday 10 July 2007 @22:19

Revised advert critic for DISCUSSION FORUM


Pick an advertisement i.e print/motion but with language eg.tagline,pop it as attachment (eg file /video) onto CMS and give a critique on the language used in relation to graphics/storyboard. You can discuss what is good and bad about the ad and whether it works. Remember to highlight the following:
1. Discuss the objective of the text/script used in the ad (5m)
2. Is language/jargon used accessible to target group? Why/Why not? (5 m)
3. Does the language match the graphics/storyboard to give the ad further punch? why/Why not? (5 m)
4. Does the ad work for target group? Why/Why not? (5 m)

Brief summary of ad.
In this short advertisement on a promo done in year 2006 for VH1, a television channel, Mr. Saiman Chow uses vibrant colors and his unique style to create this visually impacting advert. In this work, he edited and remix the lyrics of a certain audio that has been carefully thought over to create his storyboards and ideas. He also pays a lot of attention on the fine details and smoothness of the transitions throughout the video.

The typography used in the advertisement gives further boost to support the audio type and helps accentuate certain important words in the audio to express different emotions. The text is also animated to follow the tempo of the audio and thus enhances the overall feel of the advertisement. However, the designer may not have considered that a small amount of text used were a little inappropriate and crude to a certain level of decency.

Yes, the jargon used is accessible to the target group. The target audience is relatively focused towards the youth group ranging from 15 to 30 years of age. The language is suitable to the target group because it is up-to-date and resembles the culture present during that era.

The graphical style this designer has applied to this advertisement is very unique as he uses his sensitivity of colors to create a visual play that is vibrant and energetic. The visuals are mostly drawn in sketchy techniques with adequate visual treatment that closely relates to the pop culture. The language used is influenced towards the pop culture as supported by the choice of audio. Also, there is effort seen by the designer to edit and synchronizes the typography with the audio and graphic images. Therefore, the language does match the visuals and give the advertisement further punch.

The advertisement portrays a funky, lively mood that the target group is easily able to apprehend and appreciate from the choice of music, typography and visuals. The designer executes the advertisement using the set-up and pay-off method that entices the audience to follow through till the end with the audio as a surprising element.

Below is the short motion clip ad and a storyboard look of the overall ad.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

My comments ~ I have really started to appreciate and understand the hard work and effort this designers and producers have put in to suceed in the industry. Passion is indeed a very important factor in sucess. It is also mostly done through hardwork and determination...though a little smartness and wisdom would go a long way!(hahz). Well, cooperation and collaboration also plays as an important role in this industry.Many have failed because of certain self-pride and ego issues. This designers have really been a great example to me and just wanna say THANK YOU! Well, hope i can update more stuff soon....COMING SOON...^^



nyp Sidm
nov 26


Han Hui. Jodie. Kenneth. Rachael. Chi Yao. Rina. Xin Qiang. Firdaus. Natasha Mohd. Natasha Lim. Amirah. Yao Cheng. link. link. link. link. link. link. link. link. link. link. link.



April 2007
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February 2009


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